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Carmen DeLaRosa "Returns"

The Voice of Rhett, Kody Boye, Carmen DeLaRosa, Audiobooks, Fantasy

You met her in "The Drake of Ehknac" (The Adventures of Carmen DeLaRosa, Book 1), and now she returns in "The King's Watch" (The Adventures of Carmen DeLaRosa, Book 2). After successfully hunting and slaying the Drake of Ehknac, Carmen returns home to the fanfare of thousands. Declared a hero by the mayor of Ehknac, word of her exploits quickly spreads, but it isn’t until a letter arrives from the king that Carmen realizes the extent of her fame. In this correspondence, he offers her the chance to join the King’s Watch: an elite organization of soldiers that not only protects him, but also his lands.

The offer, while tempting, seems too good to be true; and not only will she have to journey to the capital of Dorenborough to audition, but she must survive on the way there. The new audiobook is due out November 2017.

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